Warehouse Lending System
Warehouse lending system-of-record utilized by community and mid-sized financial institutions.
WLS™ is a highly configurable mortgage warehouse finance software platform that automates the entire workflow lifecycle. The system provides competitive advantage for warehouse lenders in pricing, and customer service is gained through highly tailored system features. A variety of pricing and covenant compliance requirements is supported through the unique SRG Structured Rule Tier Methodology™. Our rule-based architecture supplies highly configurable rate and fee pricing, covenant compliance features, production volume-based incentives, credit line/sub-limit/wet/aging limits, and data validation. These values can be set at the warehouse level, company level, product level, or company/product combination level.
WLS operates at the individual loan level. Using a workflow design, the system streamlines funding request, underwriting, advance, payoff, and originator settlement transactions. The software incorporates company-level management of originator, investor, closing agent, and upstream finance partner relationships. Warehouse carry cost and profitability is provided on a loan-by-loan basis. Collateral movement activities may also be tracked and managed.

Why Choose WLS

Made for Mortgage Bankers
24/7 real-time, immediate information access with robust pipeline management, individual loan and collateral tracking status, and extensive operational and management reporting and template-based data exports.
Maximum Operational Efficiency
Batch LOS data import, online investor shipping requests, imported purchase advice matching, and embedded document imaging in an automated paperless workflow.
Increase Profitability
WLS automation lowers operational cost per transaction, and risk-based pricing rules maximize interest yields and fee income.
Improve Underwriting and Risk Management
Automated data validation processes use workflow controls and decision logic to reduce operational and credit risk.
Made for Mortgage Bankers
Maximum Operational Efficiency
Increase Profitability
Improve Underwriting and Risk Management
24/7 real-time, immediate information access with robust pipeline management, individual loan and collateral tracking status, and extensive operational and management reporting and template-based data exports.
Batch LOS data import, online investor shipping requests, imported purchase advice matching, and embedded document imaging in an automated paperless workflow.
WLS automation lowers operational cost per transaction, and risk-based pricing rules maximize interest yields and fee income.
Automated data validation processes use workflow controls and decision logic to reduce operational and credit risk.
Key Features
Workflow Automation
Complete automation of the entire warehouse finance workflow lifecycle.
Flexible Configuration
Comprehensive rules, lists, parameters, and company relationships.
Integrated Risk Management
Extensive data validation, exception tracking, and workflow process controls.
Online, Real-Time Access
Automated data validation processes use workflow controls and decision logic to reduce operational and credit risk.